'সু স্বাগতম' পুরাতন মালদা পৌরসভা আপনাকে স্বাগত জানায় ,পানীয় জলের অপচয় বন্ধ করুন , সঠিক সময়ে কর প্রদান করুন , রাস্তাঘাট পরিষ্কার পরিচ্ছন্ন রাখুন , উন্নয়নমূলক কাজে পৌরসভার সহিত সহযোগিতা করুন , এলাকায় গাছ লাগান , কোন অভিযোগ থাকলে পৌরসভার সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন । 'নমস্কার' 

Accounts and Finance


Previously the accounts of all ULBs across west Bengal were being maintained on single entry Cash basis but on and from 1st April, 2007 this ULB is in the process of converting its accounts from Single Entry System to Double Entry Accrual based System of accounting so as to reflect the true financial position in its annual accounts.
To assist the implementation of the said modern system of accounting a post of Accounts and Finance Co-ordinator has been created by the M.A Deptt; Govt. of west Bengal in each ULBs.


The major duties performed by this department are listed below:-

• Day-to day recording of financial transactions.

• Proper maintenance of cash book, cheque book, and treasury / bank pass book and their safe custody.

• Preparation of bank Reconciliation statement.

• Payment of supplier's and Contractor's bill of payment.

• Payment of all types of Salary and Wages bill.

• Payment of all types of advances like TA advance, PF advance, Festival advance etc.

• Preparation of Annual Budget/ Revised Budget.

• Preparation of Utilization certificate against various grants-in-aid.

• Preparation and maintenance of Appropriation registers of all heads of account.

• Preparation and submission of Administrative Report and other statutory and non-statutory reports within the given time.

• Liaison with bank, Treasury, DLB office, M.A deptt. etc.

• To see Audit matters.